#01. First Journal Entry

Perry L. Gardner: Private Journal #1
Saturday, January 23, 1988


Just did some jig saw puzzle pieces. It was fun, and I could stop any time. Thought about writing my Journal, and the time to do it is now.

I am sitting in my desk chair, and the sun is shining in cozy, warm. There is snow on the garden and barn roof, and it is freezing outside. The trees in the woods are bare, and the branches make lace against the sky. Winter is beautiful, even more than summer, when all is boring green and you can’t see through the woods.

The Creative Worship Workshop meeting went well last night. I think it is an idea whose time has come.

It feels pleasant here. There is a sunny spot on the orange rug, it feels warm, there are furnace sounds in the background. I am the only one in the house now, but I don’t feel lonely.

I was worried about teaching R.E. tomorrow, but when I mentioned it to Bon, she jumped in with both feet and wanted to help because household gods fit in with her favorite subject that she has been studying all these years—She wants to talk about it with someone and the kids are ready to listen—It should be a lively session.